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The impact of COVID 19 on our Seniors and those with underlining health conditions has been devastating. The impact has been particularly devastating to those in our longterm care facilities. As Chair of the Senate Health Policy Committee, Senator Harrell shepherded several bills to improve access, affordability and patient safety for our Seniors and to all Floridians. CS/CS/HB 767 modernizes assisted living facilities (ALFs) statutes to improve patient safety, protect residents under ALF care, increase efficiencies in delivering basic care and protect residents impacted by facility closures.

Last session, Senator Harrell introduced, and the legislature passed SB 1526, Telehealth, which established the statutory basis and definition for telehealth. This bill paved the way for the expanded use of technology to allow patients to be seen by their doctor withouthaving to visit the doctor’s office. This important reform has proven to be especially helpful throughout the current pandemic to allow patients to have access to necessary To find out more, go to: healthcare providers while practicing social distancing and staying safe.

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