A Proven Track Record in Tallahassee

Growing Florida’s Economy
Gayle is a tried-and-true fiscal conservative. She believes that growing our economy depends on prudent spending and keeping taxes low. She sponsored the renewal of the Florida Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights and consistently voted to cut taxes, provide important sales tax holidays to provide relief to consumers, increase our state reserves and reduce dept. This year the Senate provided over $1.5 billion in broad based tax relief, put $10.5 billion in Reserves and passed HJR 7017 to offer a constitutional amendment to require an annual adjustment for inflation in the Homestead Exemption value of their home. It will save homeowners $22 million in the first year and $111.9 million by Fiscal Year 2028/2029.
Florida's economy remains strong. Florida’s private sector job growth rate which increased by 0.4 percent (+37,900 jobs) in January 2024.

Reining in the High Cost of Insurance
The high cost of property insurance is negatively impacting everyone. During the past 3 years the Senate has taken decisive steps to address this issue.
Established the My Safe Florida Home Program to assist homeowners in fortifying their homes against natural disaster and provided over $336 million for the matching grant program.
Although Florida has no ability to govern rates of the international reinsurance market, we established the Florida Optional Reinsurance Program and invested $1 billion in it to provide optional layers of reinsurance.
Instituted significant legal reforms and consumer protections to address the fraud, abuse and excessive litigation that drives up costs.
We are starting to see an impact with over 9 new companies applying to come to Florida and 12 companies reducing rates and 24 having 0 rate increases. Gayle won’t stop fighting until insurance premiums are under control and attainable for Florida families.

Providing A World Class Education for All Students
Florida is again ranked #1 in the nation for education for the second year in a row by U.S. News & World Report. The ranking is based on a combination of strong performances in higher education and K-12 metrics. As a member of the Appropriations Committee for Education and a former teacher, Gayle has worked hard to increase funding for teacher salaries, early education and VPK. This year’s budget provides record funding for including $1.2 billion for teacher salaries, an increase of 19%, $1.7 billion for early learning services and $10.45 billion for our universities, state colleges and financial aid (while NOT increasing tuition!) Gayle will fight to make sure every student has the appropriate education that meets their needs.

Making Florida the Most Veteran-Friendly State in the US
We know the sacrifices made by military families aren’ t made by just an individual but by the entire family, including the children of service members.
This year, the Florida Senate passed legislation that gives greater flexibility to transitioning students from military families by considering a student a resident of the school district at the point in time in which the parent is transferred or pending transfer to a military installation within the state.
Additionally, The Florida Senate is committed to honoring the spouses of our veterans and that is why we passed a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Florida Constitution to allow the homestead property tax discount for disabled veterans to transfer to a veteran’s surviving spouse upon the death of the veteran.
We passed protections against scammers of veterans, upheld the respect and honor of military uniforms, medals, and insignia, delivered additional benefits for disabled veterans, and provided adoption benefits for veterans and service members seeking to adopt.

Protecting Florida’s Environmentally Sensitive Ecosystems
Protecting and preserving our environment has always been is one of my top priorities. When Gayle passed Legacy Florida in 2015, Florida established a dedicated funding source for Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program (CERP) with priority given to stopping releases from Lake Okeechobee. A total of over $$4.7 billion has been appropriated for CERP and related projects since the passage of Legacy Florida.
This year’s budget reflects my continued commitment by providing record funding to protect and restore our unique environment in Florida. It includes $702 million for CERP, the second phase of the EAA Reservoir and SFWMD, $1.7 billion for Water Quality Improvements and $50 for Beach Management Assistance. Gayle will continue to fight to protect our rivers and the Indian River Lagoon.

Preventing Pollution of Our Waterways
In 2022, Gayle was a co-introducer of SB 712, the “Clean Waterways Act,” to transform policy regarding septic tanks, bio solids, wastewater and storm water infrastructure, and agriculture and protect our environment against harmful spills, a critical step toward preserving our water quality and health. As the next step after passing it, Gayle passed SB 7040 to ratify the rules for its implementation. It will improve the quality of Florida’s water resources and maintain those improvements for years to come.

Healthcare – Empowering Patients
Gayle’s 30 years of experience in healthcare has experience in healthcare has made her a leader in setting healthcare policy for the State of Florida. She paved the way for the expanded use of telehealth and technology in Florida. She has been at the forefront of modernizing our healthcare system and she passed SB 7018 which establishes the Health Care Innovation Council and provides $50 million per year for the next 10 years in low interest loans (less than 1% interest) to innovators who invest in healthcare technology and innovation. Finding a cure for cancer has always been one of her passions. She passed SB 7072 which expands access and funding for the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund for cancer research and treatment ($50 million this year and an additional $50 for the next 10 years).
P.O. Box 9508
Port St Lucie, FL 34985