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Clean Waterways Act

Clean Waterways Act
Major legislation was also passed to preserve and protect our environment. Senator Harrell was a cointroducer of SB 712, the “Clean Waterways Act,” which transforms policy regarding septic tanks, bio solids, wastewater and storm water infrastructure, and agriculture and protects our environment against harmful spills, a critical step toward preserving our water quality and health.

SB 712 aims to improve the quality of Florida’s water resources and maintain those improvements for years to come. The bill:

Requires increased regulation of septic tanks that are a source of nutrient pollution.
Requires back-up plans for wastewater facilities when power outages occur to ensure that discharges of untreated wastewater are minimized.
Requires annual updates from wastewater facilities detailing how certain funds are being used so the state can ensure that the facility is conducting proper infrastructure upgrades, repairs, and maintenance.
Requires inspections of certain farms enrolled in best management practices to ensure compliance.
Requires stormwater maintenance and design requirements to be updated to improve stormwater systems across Florida.
Creates grant programs for the funding of water quality projects across the state.

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