Addressing COVID-19
The public health and safety of all Floridians remains the top priority of the Florida Senate. In collaboration with our partners in the Florida House of Representatives and Governor Ron DeSantis, the legislature assured that the necessary resources are available to address the pandemic.
The 2020/21 budget directs more than $52 million in state and federal dollars be immediately available to continue the state’s response to COVID-19. In additional $300 million was added into state reserves, which may be used to respond to the coronavirus and its effect on Floridians and our state’s economy. State reserve funds can be used to provide immediate resources to address the state’s most pressing needs, which may include laboratory supplies, additional staffing to expand capacity to investigate and monitor individuals with COVID-19 and those at risk for contracting the virus, personal protective equipment, test kits, and enhanced communication to the general public. The budget ensures the Florida Department of Health, the Agency for Healthcare Administration and Florida Division of Emergency Management will have the funding and resources necessary. It also sets aside nearly $4 billion in record reserves to prepare for the impacts of COVID-19.